Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN)
Mission Statement
To educate and advocate on issues of social and economic justice, and to eliminate poverty in Idaho.
Idaho Community Action is working on a range of issues: immigration reform, payday lending, creating a volunteer run bilingual community radio station in the Magic Valley, just to name a few.
Objectives 2014
Build a strong base of low income and working families from both the white and Latino communities. Continue to grow nad invest in base-building, exploring new models and organizing techniques that will build membership across their geography with low staff support. Work on immigration reform, Health Care Access & Fair Lending.
Objectives 2013
Work to build a strong base of low-income and working families from both the white and Latino communities. We will target exploring new models and organizing techniques that will enable us to build membership across the vast geography with relatively little staff and support to continue base building and campaign work around immigration Reform, Health Care Access and Fair Lending
Objectives 2012
Mobilize grassroots members to hold predatory lenders accountable; organize to protect Medicaid; work for national comprehensive immigration reform; defeat anti-immigrant bills in Idaho, and create the Magic Valley’s first bi-lingual community radio station.
Objectives 2010
Provide a voice for Idahoans committed to progressive social change, empower disenfranchised people and develop new leadership in Idaho. Support the Idaho Manufactured/Mobile Home Owners Association, ICAN’s newest project, which will educate and organize residents of mobile home parks to promote policies that respect their rights as homeowners.
Objectives 2009
Provide a voice for Idahoans committed to progressive social change, empower disenfranchised people and develop new leadership in Idaho. Create an Idaho Racial Justice Report Card in partnership with the Applied Research Center and in collaboration with IHREC, Idaho ACLU, IWN, and UVI. The report card will grade each legislator and the Governor on how they vote on bills that impact people of color in Idaho and give ICAN and their allies an effective organizing tool.