Fund For Idaho

Change, Not Charity™

(208) 343-1744

P.O. Box 769, Boise, ID 83701-0769

Mission Statement

Disability Advocacy Network of Idaho (DANI), formerly Medicaid Matters in Idaho, is an advocacy coalition consisting mostly of volunteers who are either self-advocates or parents of children with developmental disabilities. We're sponsored by the Idaho Council on Development Disabilities, DisAbility Rights Idaho, and the University of Idaho's Center on Disabilities and Human Development.


Objectives 2020

This coalition of adults with developmental disabilities, parents of children with developmental disabilities and their allies is essential. Covid-19 has disrupted the Medicaid funded supports that people with developmental disabilities rely on to live, work and thrive in community settings.  This community is at high risk for contracting the virus and suffering severe consequences.  Since the pandemic has also threatened public budgets, the funding base for these services is threatened.  Medicaid Matters is working to educate the public and public officials about these threats and to build the public will to strengthen both the services themselves and the funding base.

Objectives 2018

Implement a sustained plan of community organizing across Idaho with a focus on a balance of parents and self-advocates and attention to building a diverse leadership. The issue priority is education and pressure at state and local levels to preserve the unique role of Medicaid, especially for Idahoans with developmental disabilities.